Our products
At Globe Publishing, the core of all our products is a book. The book is the platform from which the child’s capabilities and understanding expands, creating a firm foundation for the playing and learning experience involved in each product.
But what makes a Globe product truly unique is our different accessories – such as a puzzle or wooden figures – which let the child engage with the product and its overall theme in a comprehensive way. Every part of the product is a part of the learning experience and it is in the union between the different parts that worlds open and the child’s imagination unfolds.

At a very young age, play is associated with socialization and cognitive development. Play for babies and infants includes books and toys as well as anyone from their immediate universe, such as parents, educators, and people from daycare.
Everything is new to the child, and everyday things can be a vivid – and sometimes overwhelming – experience for the little brain. At Globe Publishing, we take this into account when creating products for babies and infants, therefore keeping them simple and clear.
Featured products for babies

The child’s understanding of the world expands, and so does their curiosity and want for knowledge. Toddlers start having more control over their own bodies and what they wish to learn, and at Globe Publishing we wish to give the children the best opportunity to learn while playing.

Featured products for toddlers

The brain is now finding its own feet and is ready to learn complicated skills for life! Reading and maths are interesting the child more and more, and they start seeking out knowledge on their own.
At Globe Publishing we encourage the child to make their own opinions and views about the world. Our products give the child the best conditions for understanding connections and seeing patterns, as their brain is laying the ground work for knowledge they will use their whole lives.
Featured products for preschoolers

Featured Books

Our catalogue
You can find all of Globe Publishing’s products in our catalogue right here